Thursday, November 16, 2006

Bond Fire & Cookie Bake

The Thanksgiving dinner at the Realife Cafe was a great success. With not only some great food but also some great games the whole thing was a blast. The main event, aside from the wonderful homemade food, was the parent-teen know each other contest. A parent and their teen would sit in two chairs and questions would be asked of them. Three teams competed and two tied for the win so there was arm wrestling to determine the final winner. On a side note, I was the on the final winning team with my dad.
There was much more arm wrestling as the night went on and James became the champion of that for a while. There was also much talking, of course, and a number of logic defying games played. Anyway the bond fire at Kristen's house is this Saturday starting at 5pm and ending at 9pm, so bring yourself and perhaps some hotdogs and s'more stuff. The directions are as follows:
-Removed after event.-
In other news the Cookie Bake will be happening sometime in December, if you are interested you need to coordinate with Gina as I do not have the details. Lastly the paintball party at my house may or may not happen sometime during the break but if it does it will not be an official Oxygen event, I myself will set it up.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Thanksgiving and Break

With Oxygen of 2006 winding down, I want to start off by thanking everyone who has welcomed me into O2 and made me feel part of it. Next I am supposed to remind everyone that this Tuesday we are meeting in the Realife Cafe for the Thanksgiving dinner with our parents; don't forget to bring the food!
Despite this being the last official meeting we are still doing the bonfire next Saturday I believe (or possibly the next), directions will be provided this Tuesday for that. Also the cookie bake is still happening, so coordinate with Gina to figure out where and when if you don't already know.
Lastly sometime in November or December it is likely we will play paintball at my house, however you will need to coordinate either with your own gun, paint, mask, and CO2 or someone elses as we do not have many extra. This event is still in the works and may be postponed to the spring, bear with us.
I do not yet have information on when (and where?) we will be meeting in 07, that will come soon though. (If I am not mistaken it will remain the same.)
For the moment I have no more information to write, so I will update this again sometime next week. 11-11-06

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

MIA & Harvest Party

Last Saturday was the MIA Oil Change date! A number of oxygen members, uncluding myself, showed up and we helped to move cars, wash, vaccum, full fluids, change oil, and eat pizza. It was really a blast, as I learned how to drive for a few seconds some interesting cars, and I learned how to change brake pads, which was really awesome. Throughout the work I got to know some awesome MIAs (Mechanics in action) and got to learn a lot more about car engines than I ever knew.
Last Tuesday was the fall harvest festival! We were instructed to come to help in costume, so I came as a knight, some of the ladies came as princesses, and Aaron even came as a mechanic! Anyway, after a bit of confusion we got situated outside in the freezing cold to run the Extreme Nerf Zone! They had some great nerf guns that did clip loading, front loading, and cylinder loading. Some of the guns worked better than others but we had a blast. I along with my armory assistants must have loaded 2000 nerf rounds between us all. My only regret was we never got to actually play in the rounds. Ah well, it was a blast anyway with the cider incident, kettle corn, and the cold wind. We even got visits from Darth Vader, Samurai, Ninjas, princesses, warlords and ghosts!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Up and Running

After missing 1 meeting due to a fever I am now up and running with Oxygen again. I had an interesting night taking pictures, (Sorry, none on here yet.) and the lesson was really great. Gina really drove home one point which I thought was important by telling a story. It was about her father talking to her sister and he said as he was holding up a Bible: "What is this?"
She said, "It's a Bible."
He said, "No it's not, this is the road map to hell."
That kinda shocked us, and she waited a minute before continuing.
She said, "No it's not."
He said, "Yes it is," then he opened the Bible and pointed to the words, "Now this is the roadmap to heaven."

The rest of the night was great as we talking a lot, had lightsaber fights, listened to music, played ping-pong and had several birthdays announced! Chrissy and Jennifer both had birthdays, so we sang happy birthday and ate cake. Well I actually ate a muffin, and during that several people were talking and showing each other how they could cross their eyes in crazy ways. Eek!
Catch you next time!
Written 10-19-06

Thursday, October 05, 2006

One Big Party!

Last night was One Big Party! Oxygen did indeed set up with football decorations at the Cafe on Tuesday and they were a big succes, in spite of the incident with the lights. We gave away free Hot Wings and boy, they were hot! So I would say a solid half of the people at OBP got some HW's. (Yeah, acrynom city.) With us guys helping eat *wink*, that being Andy, Aaron, Justin, Brandon, and me most of the time, plus Dillon and David dropped by (did I forget anybody?). About half of the guys wore football jerseys, me included, so we fit well with the Cafe decs. The girls I must say served up some wonderful Hot Wings, even as Refs. *Wink again.*
Anyway, other rooms in Realife had set up as Mexican, Rock & Roll, Golf, and I don't know what else because I didn't check. Outside was a real blast, even though I missed most of it. They had hotdogs, basketball, volleyball, and I think some people played some football too. Later on, the Pros started doing their Moto Cross, BMX, and Skateboarding tricks. Those were amazing, dangerous, and uh...amazing.
There was a great message that got a solid 50 people for altar call and that was the most important part of the night, so I would consider OBP an overall success. As for the pros who were doing the tricks I have no idea, because I am really bad with names.
Lastly, our local Springfield based band Hideaway came and played for a while; they were a great rock and roll band. I may have left stuff out but I put in everything I could remember at the moment. If you want more info you should join Oxygen. Yeah.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Fellowship, Fun and...Football?

The past few weeks have been a blast for me at Oxygen. Aaron has been leading us in some great studies of the Bible about Daniel, Humilty, and Standing up for your faith. The guys have had some great group and 1 on 1 guy talk. I assume the ladies have had the same, but I haven't been in there. We got three new recruits just yesterday, at least one and I am pretty sure two from Master's Commission, so they are going to help out on leading O2. With Mexican night as our last fun night, we decided (Or at least part of us decided) to have our next fun night be Cereal night. It should interesting, with what I assume will be some awesome cereals to eat, along with cereal eating contests. Oxygen has gotten the honor this year of decorating the Realife Cafe for One Big Party next Wednesday. And after multiple votes, much debate, and even a lightsaber fight, the minority won out with having us do Football decorations. I still vote for the Military theme, but higher-ups wouldn't have it for several reasons. With work to be done and more info to be gathered, that wraps up this post. See you next time!

To contant Aaron you can e-mail him at:

Sunday, September 17, 2006

So Far, So Good

The meetings of Oxygen so far have been a quite a fun and interesting time, as we have played air hockey, whacked a pinata, eaten Mexican food, worshiped the Lord, studied the Bible, and had some great 1 on 1 talks. With over a month of awesome meetings, great games, food and fellowship under our respective belts, Oxygen this year is promising for me to be an amazing expierence.