Wednesday, December 19, 2007

New Year's Party

Oxygen will be doing a New Year's Eve party with Momentum at their small group leaders house. Briana will e-mail everybody within the next few days with details, and I will post those details once I receive them.
Consequently, the guys Halo party is indefinitely postponed. Since I will be leaving on the fifth for several days, the party can conceivably not happen until we begin meeting again. I apologize for posting inaccurate information previously, that was due to hastiness & miscommunication on my part.
O2 Website

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Party has passed

Well, the oxygen Christmas party was last night, so for anyone who missed it, I share your pain. Studying for finals caused me not to turn my phone on for two days straight, in turn causing me to miss Ben's reminder; bummer. Anyway, I'm sure it was cool, as it has been for years, and we can now look forward to starting up again in January.
For the guys: Sometime between 12-22-07 and 1-7-08 my house will be open for a Halo party sleepover. Maybe a new years eve party?

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Year's End

Well, the time for Oxygen in 2007 has ended, but never fear, it will begin again early January 2008. In the meantime, there will be an Oxygen Christmas party, a girls night, and a guys night. I don't have any more exact details at the moment, but I will endeavor to obtain such details soon.
Also, one of our Oxygen members is part of the cast in the current play at the Stained Glass Theater in Ozark. So opportunity to go see that production as a group may arise...stay tuned.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Costume Party

Our 10-30-07 meeting will be costume at our normal meeting place. No theme was decided upon so wear your favorite costume, and bring a treat if you can. If you don't bring a treat, at least trick us into thinking you are bring a treat.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Chickin & Costumes

Ok, next Monday evening (10-22) Chick-Fil-A is donating a percentage of their proceeds to the James River youth choir. The plan is to meet their at about 6:30 to eat, hang out, and support the youth choir.
Next: Two meetings away is going to be a costume night, we haven't decided on a theme or anything, so details will get nailed down next week.
One clap for everyone! (And Ben.)
Note: The website will be updated with more details soon.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

New Leaders & Website!

Well, something sad and wonderful is happening. Aaron and Gina are stepping down from leading Oxygen, they're are going on to lead one of JRA's new Life Groups. (Adult Small Groups.) We pray for them and especially that Gina's pregnancy will go well.
Taking their place is Ben and Briana, two new leaders who recently began coming to Oxygen, the reason for that now revealed. Next week, 9-4-07 will be the last time Aaron and Gina will be coming, with our new leaders taking over.

Go check out the new website, now out of beta!
EDIT: Pictures from 9-4-07 are now up!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Meeting again!

Just a quick note, we are now officially meeting again, with our first meeting at our new host home this coming Tuesday. (8-21-07)
Directions removed for privacy.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Canoe Trip

Just a heads up, the oxygen canoe trip is stilling being planned (i.e. not canceled) and if it comes together you will receive notice via mail about it. If you have any information on a good place for a canoe trip, please contact Aaron, or myself through the oxygen website.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Cookout Confirmation

Hey Oxygen members, I have just received word via USPS that we will indeed be having the cookout. The cookout will be at Dylan's house (Our new host home) on July 28th, 6-9pm. Guys are asked to bring drinks and the girls are asked to bring chips or dessert. Seeing the lack of info on the entree, we can safely assume it will be provided.
[Directions removed for privacy.]

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Barbecue Alert

Just a quick note to everyone, we will be having a barbecue at our new host home before the meeting season restarts to get everyone acquainted with the new location.
An unconfirmed report puts the barbecue at Dylan's house on the 28th of July.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Summer Update

Well, our final meeting of the season has come and gone. Meeting at Aaron and Gina's house, we got together and for once when we split up for a while the guys got the big room. (Figure that one out.) Over the summer we are planning to have a canoe trip, and later a barbecue at our new host home. Speaking of host homes, there are several candidates being considered at the moment, and if you think your house would be good, don't hesitate to ask Aaron or Gina about it.
Here also is a link to the Oxygen website. It's in beta stage, so feel free to e-mail me through the provided link and give feedback.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Final meeting!

Our final meeting (6-19-07) of the season will be held at Aaron and Gina's house again. See the below post for directions.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Patria and Aaron's House

The Patria meeting was a success, along with the meeting after despite a new temporary meeting place and a single most strange happening.
Next week (6-12-07) we will be meeting at Aaron and Gina's house to have a cookout party. Come ready for hamburgers and hot-dogs! ;)
Directions removed for privacy.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Patria Meeting!

On the 29th of May we will be meeting with the Junior High small group Patria. The meeting will be held at the St. Johns Community Center in Nixa. Everyone attending is asked to bring $2 to help cover the costs of food, plates, commodities, and all that good stuff.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Nursing Home

I wasn't able to attend, but I was told the Nursing Home visit was a success. More details soon.
Also, more pictures are now available on the Oxygen website. (Oxygen members, you received the URL a couple weeks ago.)

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Nursing Home next week!

This week our favorite couple was missing and our Master's Commission leaders had to take over. I think they did a great job, and they are going places, not to mention Justin, who unprepared came and put on some awesome worship.
Anyway, next week we are going to the Nursing Home at 6:30, so people in the play get your lines memorized! I will post the directions later today.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Italian Night!

Italian Night has come and gone! Most came bearing food, I came bearing an appetite. With the pizza bread, spaghetii, pasta and garlic bread to eat I must admit I stuffed myself full. Anyway, needless to say really, the food vanished within minutes and after that...well, a guys wrestling match ensued. This night was a great success, and I agree in the vote we should do Italian Night again.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Smooth Runnings

Since our restart in January Oxygen has been meeting regularly and it has been awesome these past few weeks. Give a clap O2!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

January Restart

I just wanted to remind everyone that Small Groups are starting up again this week. So...that means next Tuesday (1-30) Oxygen resumes meeting. See you all there.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Break Update

In this update i'm going to cover everything that has been happening over the past weeks since the holiday break began.

11-18 was the Bond Fire (bonfire) at Kristen's house. And while their were a few communication errors a good number of O2 members still showed up and we had a real blast talking, roasting hot-dogs and marshmallows and even freezing together when we were too far away from the fire.

12-09 was the party at Jacob's house. While this was not an official oxygen event two members, myself and Aaron, took part in so it can be counted as an O2 event. Some other friends of mine and my dad made up the rest of the players. With snow on the ground, a chill in the air and hot chocolate in the house the paintballing turned out to be a great success.

12-16 was the Christmas party at the Zielinske's house! More communication errors had the hosts showing up late but most everyone made to the party in the end. During it we played a number of fun games, had a white elephant gift exchange and learned a lot more about each other.

Some time during the break I believe some of the oxygen ladies got together for the Cookie Bake but I have no more information on this.

Rumor has reached me of a New Year's Eve party last night and I will have more info on that later.

Remember, soon oxygen will resume meeting. I have an unconfirmed report that we will begin meeting on 1-16 but this may not be correct.