Monday, January 01, 2007

Break Update

In this update i'm going to cover everything that has been happening over the past weeks since the holiday break began.

11-18 was the Bond Fire (bonfire) at Kristen's house. And while their were a few communication errors a good number of O2 members still showed up and we had a real blast talking, roasting hot-dogs and marshmallows and even freezing together when we were too far away from the fire.

12-09 was the party at Jacob's house. While this was not an official oxygen event two members, myself and Aaron, took part in so it can be counted as an O2 event. Some other friends of mine and my dad made up the rest of the players. With snow on the ground, a chill in the air and hot chocolate in the house the paintballing turned out to be a great success.

12-16 was the Christmas party at the Zielinske's house! More communication errors had the hosts showing up late but most everyone made to the party in the end. During it we played a number of fun games, had a white elephant gift exchange and learned a lot more about each other.

Some time during the break I believe some of the oxygen ladies got together for the Cookie Bake but I have no more information on this.

Rumor has reached me of a New Year's Eve party last night and I will have more info on that later.

Remember, soon oxygen will resume meeting. I have an unconfirmed report that we will begin meeting on 1-16 but this may not be correct.

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